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2009 Conference Posters

Innovative USDA-University partnership to train students in food safety degree program at Delaware State University - Anoruo, A.O., S. Besong, and G. Ozbay


Issues, challenges, and applications of Kite Aerial Imaging - Skeete, J., X. Pratt, A. Nagchaudhuri,  E. Yilmaz, G. Bland


Recycling of restaurant grease in the diet of meat goats - Reynold, K. C., J. R. Bartlett, V. A. Khan and E. G. Rhoden.


Hydrogen peroxide as a greenhouse soil amendment - Webber, C.L. III, C.L. Webber Jr., and S. Sandtner


Integrated pest management for certified organic production in Oklahoma - Webber, C. L.  III, M.J. Taylor, J.W. Shrefler and A.R. Davis


Organic duckweed management with pelargonic acid - C. L. Webber III


Using cowpea residue as a feed for small ruminants - Wysinger, S., E. G. Rhoden, V. A. Khan, C. Stevens and J. R. Bartlett.


Use of cogongrass in on-farm trials as a feed for meat goats - Rhoden, E. G., J.V. Smith, V.A. Khan and J.R. Bartlett.


Each poster must measure 36 X 42 inches and mounted between 4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. on October 15, 2009. All posters must be dismounted between 1:15 p.m.-1:30 p.m. on October 17, 2009.


Contact Dr. A. O. Anoruo at aanoruo@desu.edu if you have any questions. 




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