Poster Abstract
Charles L. Webber III1, M.J. Taylor2, J.W.
Shrefler2, A.R. Davis1, W. Roberts2, V.M. Russo1, J.V. Edelson2, P.
Perkins-Veazie1, B.D. Bruton1, and W.W. Fish1. 2009. Integrated pest management for certified organic production in
Oklahoma. JEMREST 6b:00-00
Integrated pest management (IPM) and sustainable
agriculture are basic precepts within the organic crop production
philosophy. The guidelines provide
general provisions and processes for obtaining and maintaining organic
certification, but do not specifically
determine the best IPM practices for crop production within organically
approved methods. Certified organic
land was used to develop a cooperative project with a diversity of academic
disciplines working with multiple crops to demonstrate organic practices and
generate production information for growers interested in commercial organic
farming. A four year rotation (2003-2007) was established with four
crops, which included southern pea (two cultivars), sweet corn (two
cultivars), watermelon (two cultivars), and tomato (18 cultivars). The
primary pest problems for the crops included grazing deer (southern pea and
watermelon), corn earworm and raccoons (sweet corn), various diseases, crows
and coyotes (watermelon), and aphids, blister beetles, vegetable weevil,
blossom end rot and fungal diseases (tomato). Corn earworm was
successfully controlled with organically
approved insecticides. When considering the four crops in the
demonstration project, southern pea and sweet corn provide the greatest
opportunity for organic production, but predation by animals remains a
concern. Organic watermelon and tomato production has potential once a
satisfactory organic fungicide is developed or disease resistant cultivars
are located or developed. The Lane Agricultural
Center’s certified organic
demonstration project provided practical IPM training for the center’s staff
and valuable information for individuals interested in organic farming.
1 USDA,ARS, South Central
Agricultural Research Laboratory, Lane OK
2 Oklahoma State University, Wes
Watkins Agricultural Research and Extension
Center, Lane, OK 74555